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Investment projects

A step in our growth!


The company is building a master hub in St. Johann in der Haide. To explain: this is a distribution and shipping centre for RINGANA products which covers everything from the reception and best logistical assignment of goods to their dispatch. This is a pilot project which will serve as a role model for further hubs and will ensure future corporate growth and the optimisation of logistical processes.

This project is being partly financed by the European Fund for Regional Development.

For more information about IGE/EFRD please see (landing page in German only)

2. BUSINESS SET-UP IN St. Johann in der Haide – building for THE PRODUCTION OF THE FUTURE

RINGANA’s range of freshly produced skin care and supplements which is unique worldwide remains enormously popular. Sales growth of 35 to 40 per cent in the planning years  calls for the construction of a modern production facility.

By investing in a production facility of the future, it will be possible not only to tap into new markets and win new customers, but also achieve our planned growth. Meanwhile in the local region, our investment will contribute to securing the location’s existence and creating new jobs.

This project is being partly financed by the European Fund for Regional Development.

For more information about IGE/EFRD please see (landing page in German only)

3. Technology and expansion investment

Successful innovations are the basis for our gratifying corporate growth that is mirrored not least in the ongoing development of our production facility. In order to secure future innovations, investments and improvements need to be made in the research infrastructure. Investments in machinery for the R&D laboratory and the expansion of our shipping logistics in order to meet the volume of orders, will be undertaken within the scope of this project.

This project is being partly financed by the European Fund for Regional Development.

For more information about IGE/EFRD please see (landing page in German only)


4. Geothermal probe field to meet heat and energy requirements

The production site in St. Johann in der Haide covers its heat and cold requirements with an innovative system. A geothermal probe field with a total of 170 geothermal probes is used as the primary source of heat and cold. The base temperature of the geothermal probes of roughly 6°C can be utilised in many ways. First, it is used to operate a brine laminate manifold which acts as a heat source and heat sink for a low-temperature stratified storage tank and a cooling manifold. In total, this enables 1,044 tonnes of CO2 emissions to be avoided each year in comparison to conventional stand-alone installations.

This project is funded by resources from the Climate Protection Ministry (BMK) intended to support environmental projects in Austria.

You can find more information about the project here.

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